“An exemplary and passionate environmental leader and advocate, mentor, author, polemicist and all-around wonderful person. It was a treat to be able to work with him in the early days of CELA, most particularly in developing and finally shaping with important contributions from others the first ever Canadian environmental Law text book: “Environment on Trial a Handbook of Ontario Environmental Law” (1973) that included our concepts for essential ingredients of an Environmental Bill of Rights that was at least partially implemented in Ontario and that resulted in significant opportunities and expectations for concerned members of the public, public interest non-governmental organizations and affected communities to learn about pending / proposed environmental development across Ontario and to provide comments to the proponents and to government regulators and—for the first time—participate in Environmental decision making hearings—including initiating request for initiating requests for public hearings where proponents and government agencies were required to justify the validity of their preliminary assumptions about the value of a proposed project and also so that if there were contrary views about the need for the project or alternatives that had not been considered, these could be put forward and considered by decision-makers who otherwise would not have received such information.”