Robert J. Currie
Robert J. Currie is Professor of Law at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, where he teaches public international law, international criminal law, evidence, criminal law, and advocacy. He holds law degrees from Dalhousie Law School and the University of Edinburgh, and an MA from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. His scholarly work focuses on the transnational and cross-border aspects of criminal law, and his publications, including his book with Joseph Rikhof, International and Transnational Criminal Law (Irwin Law, 2014, 3rd edition forthcoming in 2019), have been cited by Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada. He has served as Special Appeals Counsel to Nova Scotia Legal Aid, has appeared at all levels of court in Nova Scotia and the Federal Court, and regularly contributes to judicial education and continuing legal education (CLE) programs across Canada. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Council on International Law (CCIL) and the Board of Directors of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law (ISRCL), and he is President of the Access to Justice and Law Reform Institute of Nova Scotia.