Canadian Business Law: A British Columbia Perspective, 2nd Edition
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Canadian Business Law: A British Columbia Perspective, 2nd Edition


Chapter 1: Foundations of Business Law in Canada
Page 7: See the full text of the Civil Code of Quebec on the Quebec government’s website.
Page 10: The authority of Canada’s federal parliament is outlined in section 91 of the Constitution Act, 1867, which includes numerous areas directly related to conducting business, including banking, intellectual property, and regulating trade. 
Page 15: Explore various viewpoints on how the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has changed many aspects of Canadian society, including business.
Chapter 2: Resolving Disputes and Navigating Canada’s Court System
Page 32: The website of the Law Society of British Columbia (LSBC) provides information on the regulation of lawyers in British Columbia and finding a lawyer. You can use the LSBC’s database to search for a lawyer according to area of practice or geographic location. Search results will also indicate whether the lawyer has a discipline history or restriction from practising in an area of law, as well as any current regulatory proceedings.
Page 37: Find help on representing yourself in Small Claims Court on the British Columbia Courts website.
Page 42: The BC Supreme Court’s website provides an introduction to civil legal actions in this Court.
Page 50: BC Courts website provides past and current pre- and postjudgment interest rates.
Page 61: Find information on the ADR process on the ADR Institute of Canada website or on the website of its affiliate, ADR Institute of BC.

Chapter 3: Tort Law
Page 77: The Cyberlibel website provides information on protecting businesses from vicarious liability for employees’ defamatory remarks.
Page 88: The Canada Business Network offers ideas and resources for business owners to manage risk in their day-to-day operations.
Page 97: The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada offers tips to help businesses avoid contravening privacy laws.
Page 101: The Insurance Bureau of Canada offers information on risk management, internal fraud, crisis preparedness, and other relevant topics.

Chapter 4: Understanding Contracts
Page 140: The federal government assists provincial governments with disaster relief for businesses. Links are included for BC and Ontario programs.
Page 146: See the full text of the British Columbia Arbitration Act online.

Chapter 5: Working with Contracts
Page 160: The BC Government website has the full text of the Electronic Transactions Act.
Page 163: The Canada Border Services Agency offers a step-by-step guide to importing commercial goods into Canada.
Page 164: Keeping current with industry regulations and standards is crucial to ensuring a business avoids legal exposure. For more information, visit: and

Chapter 6: Facilitating Business, Protecting Consumers, and Safeguarding the Marketplace
Page 203: Consumer Protection BC’s website provides up-to-date information on consumer related government services, and helpful tips for consumers.
Page 205: Health Canada provides extensive information on the regulation of food and drugs on its website.
Page 205: Health Canada provides background information about the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act in the Product Safety section of its website.
Page 212: The Competition Bureau website provides tools and services to help businesses comply with the Competition Act.

Chapter 7: Forms of Carrying on Business
Page 222: The federal government maintains a website with information from federal and provincial governments on different business forms and government requirements for registration. It has also launched a new Canada Business app designed to make it easier to find government programs and services for business.
Page 228: The BC Registries and Online Services page on BC Government's website provides information related to registering a business name, including guidance on choosing a distinctive business name and avoiding objectionable names.

Chapter 8: Indigenous Business and Economic Development in Canada
Page 280: You can find more information about where Indigenous communities are found in Canada at Indigenous-led websites and through the Government of Canada’s online resources.

Chapter 9: Banking, Financing, and Debtor–Creditor Law
Page 318: For an example of a financial services agreement, check the TD Canada Trust website.
Page 330: Learn more about Equifax and TransUnion, two of the larger credit reporting agencies, from their websites.
Page 335: You can find information on bankruptcy, obtaining a trustee, and bankruptcy searches on the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada’s website and the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada website.

Chapter 10: Workplace Law
Page 376: For the full text of the Accessible British Columbia Act, visit the BC Laws website.
Page 385: The BC Human Rights Tribunal's guidelines and policy papers are available on its website.

Page 387: A copy of the employment standards poster is available on the British Columbia Director of Employment Standards website.

Page 387: The Director of Employment Standards website is constantly updated with new information on employment standards.
Page 391: The WorkSafeBC Health and Safety website provides information on workplace health and safety requirements.
Page 394: The WorkSafeBC and Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety websites also have information on addressing workplace violence.
Page 395: The WorkSafeBC website includes useful information on occupational disease claims.
Page 395: The Workers' Compensation Board website provides information on how to maintain a healthy and safe workplace environment.
Page 398: The Gender Equity website provides information about pay equity legislation recently passed in British Columbia.
Page 403: To learn more about unions, visit websites for labour relations boards for several provinces, including the BC Labour Relations Board website. Some are included here:
Chapter 11: Property Law I: Real and Personal Property
Page 438: The Insurance Bureau of Canada website has detailed checklists that help businesses manage insurance risks.

Chapter 12: Property Law II: Intellectual Property Law
Page 459: The Canadian Intellectual Property Office website has a database of patent descriptions and images that cover over 90 years of patents.
Page 462: You can search registered trademarks in Canada at the website of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.

Chapter 13: Business Law in the Digital Age
Page 478: The Government of Canada provides support online for small and medium-sized businesses as they digitalize their operations.
Page 481: The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has prepared a guide to help businesses understand and meet their obligations under PIPEDA. The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia has similarly prepared a guide to help businesses understand and meet their obligations under PIPA.
Page 485: The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada provides tips on how to create an effective online privacy policy. Similarly, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia provides guidelines on what to include in your organization's privacy policy in compliance with PIPA.