If you’re preparing to write the ICCRC exam to become a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) next week, you’ve likely heard that the format of the exam has changed. The best way to maintain your confidence before exam day is to familiarize yourself with the new format. To help you do this, we’ve outlined the major differences and similarities between the old ICCRC exam and the new ICCRC exam.
What’s Changed:
1. Name
Formerly, the exam was known as the ICCRC Full Skills Exam (FSE). Now, the exam is called the ICCRC Entry-to-Practice Exam (EPE). Although this is a minor change that should not impact your exam preparation, it is important to be familiar with the official name of the exam.
2. Number and Format of Questions
The two major changes that you’ll encounter on the new ICCRC EPE are:
a. A higher number of questions, and
b. A new question format.
The old FSE contained a total of 100 multiple-choice questions that followed a scenario-based format. Each question provided a brief scenario and students were asked to select the correct answer for that particular scenario.
The new EPE contains 140 multiple-choice questions, divided into two distinct categories. The first category of 70 questions follows the exact same format as questions on the FSE. These questions are called “Independent Questions”. The second category of 70 questions follows a slightly different format, where students are provided a scenario and asked to answer three to five questions related to that scenario. These questions are called “Scenario-Based Questions”. You can find samples of both question formats in the ICCRC Study Guide (pg. 20-23).
Although at first glance this may seem like a drastic change, the new question format is quite similar to the old format. Students are still required to answer questions based on a hypothetical situation that is provided. However, students no longer have to worry about reading 100 individual scenarios. The new EPE format allows students to demonstrate their knowledge by answering more questions, while spending less time reading scenarios.
What Hasn’t Changed:
1. Duration
The new EPE is still limited to three hours. As stated above, although there are more questions on the exam, there are less scenarios for students to read. Accordingly, students should not be worried about the duration of the exam. You will likely be able to complete the exam in three hours. Emond’s currently available ICCRC Practice Exams contain 100 questions, with 100 corresponding scenarios. If you can read all 100 scenarios and answer all the questions within the allotted time, you should be able to complete the new EPE in three hours.
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2. Open Book Format
The exam still allows students to make use of their materials during the exam. Although you may not have time to read your materials in detail, you will be able to refer to them if you find yourself unsure about a particularly challenging question or concept.
3. Substantive Content
The new EPE covers the same content as the old FSE. You will encounter questions on topics including, but not limited to: Canadian Immigration History, Policy, and Framework; Inadmissibility; Administrative Law; Labour Market Impact Assessments; Permanent Resident Obligations; and Ethics and Professional Responsibility. Since there has been no change to the topics included on the exam, you should not have to adjust your study habits. Once you are familiar with the materials, you will likely be comfortable answering questions in both the old and new formats.
Overall, the changes to the ICCRC exam should not cause you any stress or worry. The new format will test the same content and should provide you with sufficient time to read and answer all 140 questions. Just remember to thoroughly review your materials, do a few practice tests before exam day, and stay confident in your abilities!
For a detailed overview of the new exam, please consult the ICCRC’s official Study Guide.