Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 7th Edition
Julian Roberts
Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader has been an essential text for exploring critical and controversial topics in the Canadian criminal justice system for twenty-five years. This renowned resource brings together voices from across the criminal justice system, including readings from a trial judge, defence attorney, Crown attorney, probation officer, police officer, as well as a life prisoner. The reader offers essays on current issues in criminal justice, encouraging students to debate and think critically about topics such as racial discrimination in the criminal court system, the criminalization of poverty, or the changing role of policing in society. The essays, commissioned and carefully edited by University of Oxford’s Julian V. Roberts, provide a balance between academics, practitioners, and activists—all experts in their field. All chapters feature examples and discussion questions to maintain a practical focus throughout, and to facilitate classroom use. New to this edition are essays on:
the Canadian prison system and life after prison,
the criminalization of poverty,
meaningful care for incarcerated indigenous women, and
the abolition of the criminal justice system.