Exam Preparation Lifehacks

Exam Preparation

Emond’s Exam Preparation Lifehacks are a series of articles written to equip candidates for success in their licensing and professional exams.

Learn proven strategies for studying, indexing, and performing well on multiple-choice exams.

Are You Ready for Your P1 Licensing Exam?

Your classes are finished, your exams are written, and you have finished your internship hours. You are no longer a student, and you feel ready to enter the working world as a paralegal, but are you truly prepared to take the P1 exam?

Our New Paralegal IQ Quiz Will Test Your Readiness for the Ontario Paralegal Licensing Exam

If you’re preparing for the Ontario paralegal licensing exam, you already know how challenging it can be. The pressure of remembering all the necessary legal topics can be overwhelming. At Emond Exam Prep, we understand the struggles that many candidates face when preparing for the exam. That’s why we’ve created the Paralegal IQ Quiz—a free and easy way to gauge your readiness. 

What to Do if You Fail the Ontario Bar Exams in 2024 

Exam results are out, and you didn’t do so well. You need to rewrite. Not quite the results you hoped for, but that’s okay. As disappointing as this may be, it is far from the worst thing for you. Now it is time to collect yourself, figure out where things didn’t go the way you hoped, and be better prepared for the next time.

Conquer Your Licensing Exams with Emond’s Exam Strategy Course

Preparing for licensing exams can be an overwhelming task, but Emond Exam Prep's new Exam Strategy Course is here to help you make the most out of your licensing exam preparation. This online course is designed to help you optimize your study process, master exam techniques, and approach your exams with confidence.

5 Reasons You Should Get a Head Start on Your LSO Exam Prep

“When should I start preparing?” 

This is one of the most common questions from students looking to write the paralegal licensing exam or bar exams. While the exact answer depends largely on each student, starting exam prep early can help set you up for success.

Everything You Need to Know About the RCIC Entry-to-Practice Exam

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) play a crucial role in simplifying the complicated, and sometimes confusing, immigration process. Because of the importance of the role of RCICs and the impact of their work on people, the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) requires all prospective RCICs to successfully complete the Entry-to-Practice Exam (EPE) before becoming licensed to provide immigration consulting services.

A Guide to 2L On-Campus Interviews

Applying for jobs as a law student can be stressful. There are resumes to review and countless cover letters to write. And if you’re participating in the 2L summer student recruit, you might also be thinking about on-campus interviews.

Supercharge Your HR Career with a CHRP or CHRL Designation

Earning a CHRP or CHRL designation can be a turning point in your Human Resources (HR) career. With these designations, you can position yourself as a true HR leader, network with other HR leaders, and show your employers your commitment and willingness to invest in your own professional development.  

Defrag to De-Stress and Optimize Your Learning Capacity

Managing life’s details requires the application of many of our limited personal resources: memory, energy, intellect, and emotional self-regulation. We do best when we deploy these resources sparingly and efficiently. There are two keys to resource efficiency: compartmentalization and avoiding task-switching.

3 Strategies for Overcoming Licensing Exam Anxiety

Don’t let anxiety sabotage your performance on the licensing exams! With careful organization and a strategic approach to your preparation, you can overcome the anxiety that naturally accompanies a high-stakes exam.

How to Prepare for Remote Licensing Exams

Writing exams remotely may seem stressful at first because it brings a new list of things to consider and of the potential issues that can arise. Taking the time to prepare your space and familiarize yourself with the process can help reduce the stress and avoid last-minute troubleshooting.

Tips and Strategies for Studying at Home

At Emond Exam Prep we are dedicated to providing students with the support and resources they need to prepare for their professional licensing exams. During this period of uncertainty, you may be feeling anxious about preparing for your exams, which you will have to write on a date that is yet to be determined. The best way to handle this situation is to stay focused on the next stage in your career and to develop a study plan that will help you reach it. 

Pass the CHRP/CHRL Employment Law Exam: A Three-Step Strategy

Writing a multiple-choice exam is more challenging than most people think, particularly when you face hundreds of questions, limited time to answer them in, and have the added pressure of it being a licensing exam. But there is an effective strategy to get you through the CHRP/CHRL Employment Law Exam; that strategy is based upon preparation, planning, and practice.

How to Make the Most of Your 1L Year

If you’re starting your first year of law school this fall, you might be feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. And rightly so! You’re about to embark on a brand-new chapter in your life—one that will bring its own challenges and rewards. Your first year, or 1L, will involve meeting new people, reading, attending classes, more reading, familiarizing yourself with the law school environment, and finally, even more reading. (Just kidding—there isn’t that much reading).

Get To Know The New ICCRC Exam

If you’re preparing to write the ICCRC exam to become a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) next week, you’ve likely heard that the format of the exam has changed. The best way to maintain your confidence before exam day is to familiarize yourself with the new format. To help you do this, we’ve outlined the major differences and similarities between the old ICCRC exam and the new ICCRC exam.

Top 5 Study Resources For The Paralegal Licensing Exam

The next paralegal licensing exam is less than a month away! As it approaches, make sure to make the most of readily available resources. Although your LSO materials are undoubtedly the most important study resource, there are several supplementary tools that can help you prepare for the exam. Here are the top five resources that we’ve identified as most useful for prospective paralegals:

4 Ways to De-Stress After the Ontario Bar Exams

Weeks of studying and two 7-hour exams later, the Ontario bar exams are finally behind you. What now? Maybe you’ve already started articling and you’re headed back to work. Maybe you’ve got some free time before you start articling or attend the Law Practice Program later this summer. Either way, there’s one thing that you definitely should not be doing right now: stressing about your exam results.

So You Failed a Bar Practice Exam. What Next?

“Practice makes perfect.” We’ve heard this saying countless times. But have you ever practiced over and over again only to see minimal improvement? Don’t feel discouraged! Practice is seldom just about repeating the same actions and techniques, it’s more often about evaluating our practice performance. So, if you’ve recently written a practice exam for the Ontario bar exams and your results weren’t perfect, don’t worry. You just need to adopt the right post-practice strategy.

5 Strategies to Get Organized for the ICCRC Full Skills Exam

If you’re getting ready to write the ICCRC Full Skills Exam (FSE), you’re probably busy preparing materials to bring to the exam with you. These might include your IPP notes, textbooks, excerpts of immigration law statutes, and/or other immigration law texts. During the exam, you don’t want to spend valuable time flipping through pages looking for a particular topic. Instead, consider using the following five strategies to help you study and organize your materials for exam day.

How to Successfully Study for the Ontario P1 Paralegal Licensing Exam

Preparing for the Paralegal Licensing Exam is no small undertaking. The LSO provides you with hundreds of pages of information that you need to know for the exam, and a list of competencies they expect you to possess as a paralegal. Trying to learn and understand all of this information in six weeks is a daunting task, but if you employ these study tips, you’ll be ready for exam day.

5 Tips Law Students Should Know for the Wine & Cheese Networking Event

Talking in a pair or small group will make things easier, but make sure you pick someone who won’t dominate the conversation or you might not get a chance to participate. On the other hand, don’t be that person. Someone who talks non-stop about themselves comes across as arrogant and unaware of how to behave appropriately in social situations.

7 Articling Interview Tips to Help You Get Hired

You need to be able to convincingly answer the question, “Why this firm?”

This may seem basic, but it is extremely important. Firms realize that you need  to get an articling job somewhere—this is true of every student they interview. What they don’t know is which student is genuinely passionate about working at their specific firm.

7 Tips for Articling Students: Make You and Your Work Stand Out

The 2017–2018 articling term is fast approaching. While articling is an amazing opportunity to learn and explore your interests, it is also a stressful time that strikes fear into the hearts of newly graduated law students. Articling involves the combined pressure of needing to learn how to do everything, while also needing to market yourself as an asset to the firm in order to get a coveted associate position. 


Four Common Indexing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

There isn’t one “right” way to go about indexing for the licensing exams. Some students choose to make their own indices from scratch, some use old indices, some purchase indices, and some make or update indices with a group. However, no matter what your method, there are four common mistakes that can sabotage efficiency and accuracy. Follow these tips to ensure your indices won’t let you down on exam day.

5 Myths About the Ontario Licensing Exams

Make no mistake, preparing for the Ontario Licensing Exams can be a daunting task. However, don’t believe everything that you hear. These are 5 widespread myths that you may come across while gearing up for exam day.



7 Interesting Areas of Practice for Paralegals

If you are studying to become a paralegal, or are about to write your P1 Paralegal Licensing Examination, you may be wondering, “what’s next?” Over the past few years, the LSO has been gradually expanding the authorized areas of practice for paralegals. The scope of practice for paralegals is outlined in subsection 6(2) of the LSO’s By-law 4.

What to do if you Fail the Ontario Bar Exams

There is a tendency among Ontario law students to be cavalier about the licensing exams. “No one fails!” some assure you. Others conjure pass rates out of thin air: “You know, 90% of law students in Ontario pass the bar. It’s not like New York!” This kind of dismissive attitude around the bar exams is misleading, and makes it especially difficult if you do fail the bar exams because you’re left wondering how you could possibly have failed such “easy” exams after studying so hard.

Emond Exam Prep: Indexing 101: What are Indices and why do I Need Them?

I remember my reaction the first time I laid eyes on the licensing materials from the Law Society: the nausea, the panic, the utter terror that I had to memorize seemingly endless pages of information. “But not really,” I was told by my peers who had already taken the bar exams. “You just have to rely on indices.”

I had no idea what indices were, and maybe you don’t know what indices are either. I’ll explain the basic concept and then share some general indexing tips.