Public Law: Cases, Commentary, and Analysis, 5th Edition
Philip Bryden,
Gerard Kennedy,
Malcolm Lavoie,
Mark Mancini,
Leah West,
Dwight Newman,
Frankie Young
Public Law: Cases, Commentary, and Analysis, 5th Edition is the only text of its kind devoted exclusively to public law in Canada. Serving as a primer on the subject, this title will educate students about the importance of statutes and regulations both as forms of law and as political responses to pressing issues in Canadian society. This text demonstrates concepts, principles, constraints, and theory in a direct and accessible manner, contextualized with carefully selected case excerpts. Cases are presented with insightful author commentary, which offers a compelling, cohesive introduction to the subject of public law.
This edition includes an introduction to the treatment of the rights of Indigenous peoples within the Canadian constitutional framework. It also features significant revisions to statutory interpretation, up-to-date legislation, and recent cases.